Personal Injury
Wrongful Death
A wrongful death is any death that was directly or indirectly caused by negligence, deliberate behavior, or unconcern FOR the safety of others. In some cases, the person is killed instantly or dies shortly after the accident. In other cases, the individual may die months or even years later because of difficulties or sickness tracing back to the injury. Sometimes the person is killed instantly or dies shortly after the accident. Other times the person may die months or even years afterward because of complications or illness tracing back to the injury.
Who can recover from someone’s wrongful death?
In Georgia, the surviving spouse can file to recover damages and any compensation received is shared with minor children. If there is no surviving spouse, the right to a wrongful death lawsuit belongs to the children. If there is no spouse or children, the rights pass to the parents or the deceased. When there is no spouse, child or parent, the administrator of the estate can file a claim on behalf of the next of kin.
Together, Hirsch Criminal Defense network of attorneys have obtained millions of dollars for people and their family members who have been victims of the tragedy of losing a loved one due to the negligence of others. They have the experience to investigate your case and to maximize your recovery.
If you are suffering from the loss of a loved one and their death was caused by the negligent act or omission of another person or company, call Hirsch Criminal Defense now at (678) 561-0411 or fill out the form for a free consultation.